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Old 07-18-2011, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by karenm36
Originally Posted by Narda H.
No sentimental value at all. A client friend gave it to me to do what ever I want with it.
Originally Posted by karenm36
I guess it kind of depends on the significance it holds for you and how much you want to use it. Do you want it to stay intact and use it?...then see if you (or someone you trust) can repair the worn areas and continue using it. If you want to keep it because it means something to you, but you don't really see yourself "using" it, it could be hung somewhere as art as it is a very nice quilt! Another option (that could be a bit scary) is if you want to still give it some place to shine and recognize the person that made it but you don't want it to take up so much could, very carefully cut out portions and frame it very tastefully and have some kind of label for the front of the picture made that says who made it, when, etc. If there are other members of your family that would like it as well, then you could make several of these framed quilt art pictures that would still have the same heirloom sentiment/value as the quilt. I'm sure there are other ideas as well, but these are the first that come to my mind. Good luck with what you decide!
Oh, one last thought...Because it's 80 years old and may have some historical you think a small local museum would like it?
That was my thought, since it's not of any significance to you, unless you are looking for was to display it in your home. A local museum might love it. It's beautiful - I love it!
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