Thread: Red Quilt top
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Old 01-29-2007, 07:31 AM
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Thank you again for the kudos everyone. You are most encouraging. The time is just about right to quilt this thing now. I have another top on the design board that I want to finish first. :wink: Always some reason to procrastinate. I will be machine quilting this. I'm not ready to hand quilt a large quilt just yet. Someday though.

NCMtnHigh, I hope Little Bit, who swallowed the needle and thread, has learned his lesson and didn't suffer any ill effects of his little *snack*. My kitty, Kimchee, likes to crawl up on the guest bed in my sewing room and nap. He follows me around like a puppy dog. The one time he "helped" me quilt he was absolutely no help at all. He was laying on the quilt as I was trying to do free motion quilting. Ha! Try moving a large quilt with an extra 18 pounds sitting on it! Doesn't work!!!

Happy quilting everyone! :D
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