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Old 07-21-2011, 05:27 AM
preachers wife
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Lancaster County, PA, finally!
Posts: 20

What wonderful memories your question brought back! I remember visiting my grandmother and watching her sew on an old Singer treadle machine at her kitchen window. Just before school started and before Christmas she would tell my sister and me to go upstairs and pick out 2 or 3 pieces of 'yard goods' from the large table that was always piled high with fabric. Then, we would look at the Sears catalog and show her what dresses we liked. As if by magic, a few days later, our new wardrobe would be ready! She made all of our clothes from the skin out, until she was killed by a drunk driver when I was fifteen years old. Her clothes didn't fit especially well (no pattern used), but they were always very modest! I remember as a teenager worrying about what my wedding gown might look like if Grandma made it for me with only newspaper to cut for a pattern! I appreciate her talents so much now that I am older, and I want to carry on her legacy. With my children all married and gone, I am rediscovering this wonderfully creative obsession once again!
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