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Old 07-23-2011, 08:54 AM
Greeter Eva
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 466

Originally Posted by GV09
Originally Posted by Greeter Eva
Originally Posted by GV09
Thank you very much everyone for your beautiful words!
I hope to see many chickens!
And if you need help, please note that try to answer it!
A big hug!
I love your chicken and I've got it all figured out. I clicked on the translater flag and it was very easy.Sorry for being ignorant , but what does Almazuelas and Galina mean.Just wondering.
Thankyou GVO9, I learned 2 more new words.
Hi, Greeter Eva!
Galina not, is Gallina (double l) = chicken
Almazuelas = A almazuela is a blanket, clothing or fabric in general, sewing built with more or less rectangular pieces of other tissues to reuse them. It derives from the Arabic or almozaia almozala of almoçala, rug, bed cover. The almazuela is first documented in texts of the seventeenth century Rioja.
English term equivalent to the patchwork, a term most used in Spanish-speaking countries "almazuela." This term is used today mainly in the autonomous community of La Rioja, where the crafts are very popular and has many followers.
I hope that answers your question!
A big hug!
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