Old 07-24-2011, 07:29 PM
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Location: A Hop from Heaven, a Skip from Sanity and a Jump from the Good Life....
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ok so ive got this crazy but UNIQUE idea for October.. Tell me whatcha think...

Ok so same rules, same size, yada yada yada, but the theme is... ready for this??

Whatever color YOUR board name stars with.. tada!!! ok so mine is Luvtooquilt.. so the first letter is L and I can pick and choose any colors that start with an L..

Lapis .... (huh? thats a color??)
Lavender... ( ok so any light purpley color will do)
Lavender blush .... (Must of been some pretty risque joke)
Lavender gray... (hmmm must be feeling a bit down in the dumps)
Lavender magenta ( and this is when they are happy!)
Lawn green ( been a while for that, no rain..)
Lazuli ... ( bless you , I think...)
Lemon... ( nice and sour)
Lemon chiffon.. ( a prissy lemon..)
Lemon yellow....(Nope sorry, I got nothin..)
Light blue..... (ok so not completely sad, just a lil..)
Light pink... ( mild sunburn maybe?)
Lilac.... ( yea, another nothin..)
Lime.... (tequila anyone??)
Lime green.... (Uh oh, to Much tequila..)
Lincoln green..( political envy, Is there such a thing?!?!?)
Linen.... ( when cotton just wont do..)
Lovat.... ( ok mind went in the gutter on this one..)

(OK so I cheated and used the below link:

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_s...#ixzz1T5HMh3Gw

wow, i must be really tired.. lol.. :shock: :XD:
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