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Old 05-26-2009, 05:19 AM
leahday's Avatar
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Shelby, NC
Posts: 10

Hi Everyone!

My name is Leah Day and I'm a 25 year old quilter living in Shelby NC. This looks like a terrific forum where lots of people share and learn together.

I work from home on the internet for both skin care and quilting. Currently I'm focusing on making quilts for show and competing in national and international competitions.

My favorite thing about quilting is the vastness of it all. You could give 2 quilters the exact same fabric, thread, and pattern, and they would still come up with 2 completely different quilts!

I'm currently using a Bernina Activa 210 and Juki TL98QE. I believe that the quilting make the quilt, which is why I use the Bernina for piecing and applique and the juki for quilting.

I've considered getting a long arm, but don't like the idea of having to relearn how to quilt on a frame. If I did get one, it would probably be a table mounted Homesteader.

So give me a buzz and let me know if there's any other quilters from NC!

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