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Old 05-26-2009, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by saravincent
Thanx friends! I sent them to play a stupid video game with lots of soda and chips. At least they were honest that they didn't like it. But WHAT DO MEN KNOW? They repented and we had a nice dinner to "make up". Now I'll sew what WE like!
You go girl!!!!

Originally Posted by mytwopals
In order to be politically correct, I think we need to phrase this better. "what do the men know". As a man, it should probably be worded more like this. "what do non-quilters know."
You are correct ~ quilting is not a "woman's thing" very Un-PC of me. In my family I can still use that phrase because they (the men in my family) are clueless in regards to quilting. 8) I hope you were not offended and I stand corrected.

Originally Posted by BlueChicken
I dragged hubby into the sewing room last night to check out my latest creation, and he stared at it and said "I don't like the background, it's the same colour as half the block".

I was taken aback for a minute, till I remembered he's COLOURBLIND! pmsl

Why do I forget that?!? LOL There are some colours he can't tell apart and this was one of them.
He does recognise nice points though.
As long as he notices the points. :lol:
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