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Old 07-28-2011, 10:25 PM
Rose L
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Originally Posted by dljennings
gee, i must be the only one... my house is always clean..except my sewing room if i'm involved in a project..

i can't stand dishes in the sink.. allergic to dust, so we dust & vacuum at least once a week...i start a wash 3-4 mornings a week b4 leaving for work... add the yardwork...youngest dd gets to help a lot, especially in the summer.

and i still have time to work 50 hrs a week, course, i don't have a choice about that one... 3 mile walk most nights after work..

and i still have time to quilt, or paint...or go on this board...

i think its just a matter of organization & putting things away when your done with them.... if the house stays picked up.. it only takes 1/2 hr to dust one nite, 1/2 vacuum the next nite... i can't relax & quilt or read if the house needs attention...
You're not the only one, but I've said before that I must be an atypical quilter. Organization is key!
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