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Old 07-30-2011, 03:35 PM
Great-great granny
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Liberty Hill - Central TEXAS Hill Country
Posts: 1,040

What a wonderful project for your guild to undertake. Don't know about pens to write with, but one word of caution donating to nursing homes.

I have seen/heard a lot of sad stories about quilts given to nursing homes being misplaced, 'lost', found in someone elses' room WITHOUT a label. If it is for a specific person, you might want to attach the label in a way that is NOT EASY to remove, or write it directly onto the backing fabric. Some of the stories have been from relative of patients who gave lap quilts & they 'disappeared' - till a search was made & they were found in another's room w/no label.

Have a blessed Sunday & happy quilting.
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