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Old 07-31-2011, 11:34 AM
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Originally Posted by drgranny
One time my DH phoned that he had car trouble and would I come tow his van home. It was about 15 miles from home. I very carefully positioned my van in front of his and he hooked on a chain. Then he told me to start off very gentle and drive smoothly so that the chain didn't jerk. OK, I do exactly that. I am driving along (by the way, it is dark) very smoothly and I'm thinking that we are going so smooth that it is like there is nothing back there. I am about half way home. Sure enough there is nothing back there! I quicky turn around and go back and DH is sitting in his van with a very black look on his face. I am about to die laughing. He attaches the chain again and we make it home with no problems. Several weeks later I asked him what was wrong with the van. He very reluctantly told me it was out of gas. I can still pass that place on the road and just bust out laughing!I am really surprised that he told me he was out of gas. You know....Mr Effecient!!!

Mr Effecient!!! LOVE IT...out of gas...ROFLMBO !!!!!!
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