Thread: Outdated UFOs
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Old 08-01-2011, 05:28 AM
Great-great granny
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Liberty Hill - Central TEXAS Hill Country
Posts: 1,040

OMG - I didn't think ANY quilt was EVER outdated, regardless of our decor - we seem to call 'older' quilts "treasures" when we see them now. To me they represent the love SOMEONE put into every stitch to provide comfort & warmth for people they loved.

Someday these will be "treasures" also - hopefully to your own family. I have a quilt made by my grand mother & HER mother the year my mom was PG w/me (1934) - IT IS A REAL "TREASURE" TO ME & my dgtr already loves it, knowing it will someday be hers.

Sorry to be so vocal - guess my age is really showing when it comes to beautiful quilts. :oops:

Have a blessed day & may all your quilts be filled w/love. :lol:
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