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Old 08-02-2011, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by irishrose
Karen, have you ever made doughnuts or seen them made? Anything fried in that much oil can't be good for your tummy in more ways than one. I have a recipe for muffins that taste just like a cake type doughnut. My family loved them. I don't know if they retained that taste cold because with a husband and five children, 12 doughnuts didn't last long. Not a diet recipe, but a satifying one when the need arises.

MJ, I have to ask why only one cup of tea? Is it to prove we can do it? Coffee in moderation has lost its bad reputation and has some health benefits for those who can drink it. Tea, particularly green, has many health benefits including helping with weight loss. Carbonated beverages, whether sugar or diet, have no health benefits and several detrimental effects on health, so I can understand giving those the boot. I did it 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis.

MJ, you asked in the old post: How am I doing? I have picked up 8 pounds of fluid. I could answer to the name Stumpy today. My hands and legs are so ugly. There is no rash on my trunk and no open sores from broken blisters above my knees, except on one wrist. I think the reaction has stopped progressing and now I hope it will start regressing. What bit my ankle? I don't know. We are too far north for fire ants, I think. Chiggers? Obviously something I'm very allergic to, so I'm not going down to the lakeshore and look around for anything. Newbies, Friday night, I was walking with my grandsons in grass just above the lakeshore when something bit my ankles at the same time the mosquitoes came out. Mosquitoes like my ankles, but this wasn't a mosquito. How do I feel? Very tired, but not ill. I think it will be okay in a few days.

It's raining lightly, but I'm going to take the dogs out just to keep my blood circulating. Silly dogs cornered a skunk in the rose garden at 2:00 am. Lily was half in the fountain trying to get at the skunk. Luckily, they didn't get sprayed. I kept them in the laundry room for a few minutes to be sure.

createfourpaws, are you doing the list or is it my turn? We are close to 100 partcipants.

Have a clean eating day, everyone. I am losing weight and getting healthier.
I will start on the list tonight after work. I have volunteer with MJ to do it each month. It is exciting to see we have so many this month participating.

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