Old 08-02-2011, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Fabric Galore
Originally Posted by sandpat
Sounds good Losie! You should be good to go!
Did you use the Electric Quilt to lay out your color scheme and patterns for DJ? I was thinking of eliminating some of the advanced blocks and substituting some easier blocks.
Well...I thought I would when I started...but got lazy and didn't follow through with that. Of course, I didn't follow the Around the world color scheme or any other scheme for that matter. Mine is more 'scrappy" I just pulled from my bag of fabs for Jane. When I laid it out at the end, I did have a few duplicates too close to one another, so I just moved them somewhere else on the quilt.

You can certainly eliminate whatever blocks you want to...its YOUR quilt! You might want to just wait a bit to do them though until you are more in the "groove" of doing them..they won't be so hard further on down the road.
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