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Old 08-03-2011, 11:08 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: northeast Wisconsin
Posts: 16

My LQS has open sewing one day a week where anyone can come in with their machines and projects and do their own thing. I suggested it and it has worked out wonderful for the shop as most of us usually pick up something we just can't live without or we see someone elses project and want to do it too so she makes out really good. The great advantage to me was working with some new friends I made and we are now doing some group projects, with different levels of talents the newbys are getting help and the advanced quilters are enjoying sharing their talents so it is a win/win situation. Most of us but not all are in the local "guild"/club so we already knew each other but only as much as the formal meetings allowed. Now we go on shop hops together where me make up our own hops. Talk to your local shop owner and see if she would be willing to let a group start meeting there to sew during the day while she is open.....good P.R. and advertizing for her.
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