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Old 08-03-2011, 10:32 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Rancho Cordova, CA
Posts: 451

Remember the fairy tale "Princess and the Pea" and the delicate, true princess who couldn't sleep because of her sensitivity to the tiny pea under twenty mattresses? Well, she was evidently my many-greats grandmother, and that gene gets passed on undiluted! My mother was a princess, as was her mother, and I, Susan, am also; ergo, Suzanprincess. (One of my three brothers has it too, but natually resists being called princess; my oldest brother does not have the trait at all but still passed it on to two grandsons, and now karma is making him rue having made fun of me! :mrgreen: )

My avatar is from the Mutts cartoon, and reflects the story.
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