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Old 08-05-2011, 07:42 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Sunny Arizona
Posts: 476

Originally Posted by Pam H
I am in the process of making my first one. I put a zipper in but now that I look at picture and think about it I don't know how that will work since the ends get tucked in with the bows and my zipper goes from end to end. Hmmmmm I'm also having problems with the straps. Someone on here said how well it worked to use the no-roll waistband elastic in your straps. Well, it looked fine on the top but when I turned it over the elastic had pulled through the fabric and the thread is all messed up. So then I tried just making it with batting inside. The fabric started getting pushed up so I used my walking foot. It made teeny tiny stitches so I quit. People on here whip them out one after another and I can't even get one made!
The handles can get very thick. On the last one I made I put only half the batting in the center of the handle then folded the sides in and sewed, as in the instructions. Worked better - my machine was happier, and there hasn't been any problem with the handles.
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