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Old 08-07-2011, 07:24 AM
Ps 150
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Originally Posted by Homemother
Gosh - true confessions. Mine came from an era where I was being pressured to go and get a job while my kids were young. I rebelled against all those who thought I wasted my education and called myself Homemother. (Not sayin' you all have to be one, but I wanted to be one and BE proud of it!!!)

I now have one son who was graduated from college this year, two sons still in college, and a daughter looking at schools for next year. Time wasted??? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
I quit college to be a homemother and don't regret a thing! I homeschool our little girls so when people come to me and tell me that I still should've gone on to be a teacher or a nurse, I tell them that I did. They normally get quite uncomfortable but I don't mind. What kills me is that a feminist told me I could be anything I wanted to be and when I replied that I wanted to be a stay home mommy, she scorned me. Oh well!
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