Thread: Crazy or crazed
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Old 08-09-2011, 10:57 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 27

I cannot thank all of you enough. Your advice got me out of one of the most rotten moods I can ever recall. I even declined to drive my husband to his special eye exam and am now remorseful for letting him sit that extra hour or so until is eyes get over the dilation. That's a bad spouse and I will have to make it up to him.

Chop it up, throw in the bad quilt box, whatever! Your support is what I needed most. While I awaited your responses, I went outside (cursing the fact we had come back from NH to southern IL to face blinding heat too early) and used a hedge cutter to mow down my garden and salvage the few plants the deer or the heat had not destroyed. Our gardener (neighborhood kiddo) just could not keep up and I understand completely but it was so disappointing. I whacked and was finally out of energy until now. I feel so much better.

While I was whacking, I finally came to the realization that the situation was hopeless but not serious (from my favorite prof). And I have all of you to be grateful for--thank you, my lovely sisters. And I will summons up the courage to post on this list serve whatever I come up with. Holding you all in the Light, Ginny
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