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Old 08-10-2011, 04:59 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Sweet Home Alabama
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I'm not very good at throwing out. But I have made some progress over the last couple of months (thanks to a water leak around the ac in the sewing room). I don't keep "crumbs" - about the smallest I save are 2" or 2.5" squares. I'll go through my scrap box and cut different size charms;sort them into labeled see-through plastic shoe boxes - I think 6.5" are the biggest. After the leak - I had to move everything in that corner of the room- and the repairs were done - had to move everything back. :cry: I decided to rearrange and sort thru things (in all corners of the room) and ended up with 7 brown paper grocery bags full of odds and ends to carry to the thrift store, and a few things to list and sell. I like it much better now and quite truthfully, I haven't missed anything I gave away.

I would love to take lessons from my daughter on decluttering. She can walk into any room in her house, say I want to clean it up, and she can get rid of things quicker than you can blink your eyes. My dh is like that too. It's just not in me. I have to think about almost every item. I have found it is easier to chunk a few things; do something else; chunk a few more;.... Not so much stress that way. :lol:
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