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Old 08-11-2011, 12:52 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Enid, OK
Posts: 8,273

Originally Posted by bearlea
As a mom who lost her son in Iraq almost 6 years ago I take my hat off to all of you that make quilts for QOV....on eo fmy sons friends received one of the quilts when he was hit with shrapmill...and you are right about the quilts needing more washing then alot of regular quilts...these men and women use these quilts as a comfort in times of difficutly to get through each day...I totally agree with the guidelines and I believe they are set there for excellent reasons..thank you for clearing up some of the negative responses of QOV...and I agree with you also..if your hearts not in it find another organization that can best use your America brought home 30 men this week that were killed in Afganistan I can't help but think that there are 30 families that would have rather their sons have received A Quilt of Valor instead of a folded flag....I would have....blessings
there is a group that makes quilts for the families of the LOST was started by a young girl name Jessica she grew up, she moved on and let a group of military wives take over. You can read about Jessica's story here ;
and here is the info I could find for the ladies who took this project over!

EVERY soldier deserves a quilt...even if they have to leave it with their family!
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