Thread: Charity Quilts
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Old 08-13-2011, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Campbell34
I was born in the hill country of Calif, My father was a gold miner, He worked in the mines for $30.00 a month when I was a baby, Those days are long gone but the little town I was raised has refused to die, about 15 years ago the town was having a fundraiser for the fire department so I made a log cabin quilt , I used the sunshine and shadows pattern , I remember the sun coming through the cracks in the wall every morning, so the name was appropriate , I made a full sized , Asked God to bless it and mailed it off, I had prayed that some rich woman would not get the quilt I had hand quilted and use it for her dog or something like that, A few weeks after the big shindig, I received a letter from a woman in Susanville , Calif, She put in her tickets and said I have never won any thing in my life but the quilt is so beautiful, , "I won the quilt, it is on my bed ", I am a widow, living by herding goats, If you want to go back packing I will take you up into the hills with my little herd of goats packing your camping supplies on their backs, The quilt is on my bed and I thank God every day for it, I feel so blessed, Needless to say I thanked God for the blessing to her and to me, Still makes me cry. :lol:
Aww, I just loved that story, so glad that lady one the quilt.
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