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Old 08-15-2011, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by arimuse
work?! I would have called the police and let them call you at work! I dont see the "cute" in allowing kids to do this - mainly 'cus the "pranks" just get worse the older they get. It just shows no respect. Right now, older kids w/ cells are making flash calls (where they gather together in a mob, hit, and break up and disappear) in philly, pa and beating people on the streets up at random - real cute prank there.

the first week after I moved here, I went and bought a 35$ redwood post, real pretty mailbox, brass street numbers and dug the post hole myself for my brand new mailbox and 2 days later kids went by and beat it down w/ baseball bats! 2 days. (the box was at the road 1/4 mile from the house)so much for southern hospitality. I went to the PO that afternoon and got a PO box and havent spoken to (most of- one neighbor and his brother way down the road come over, very nice guys) the neighbors for 17 yrs now and dont intend to. No one came forward, no one came to fix or help or anything. Just someones kids in a pickup riding the roads having "fun".
Destroying property is on a different level than toilet-papering a house. And I don't think ANYONE here thinks that destructive flash mobs are a "prank" - they're crimes. The flash mobs that spontaneously break into song or dance are quite uplifting.

I'm very sorry you did not take the opportunity to introduce yourself to your neighbors all those years ago and ask if they knew who hit your mailbox. You could have started some wonderful friendships with your neighbors. I doubt it was any of them - the teenage punks who do stuff like that are usually driving around in cars when they do it, and they go to areas where their cars are not recognized.
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