Thread: Quilt Retreats
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Old 08-19-2011, 07:20 AM
Carol J.
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Originally Posted by qbquilts
Originally Posted by Carol J.
Never been to a quilting retreat but if you read, get the books by Jennifer Chiaverini. A whole series based on a quilters retreat in the central part of Pennsylvania. I am having a senior moment and can't think of the book titles. Someone out there, help!

Carol J.
It's the Elm Creek books. She's tried to write the books so that they don't have to be read in order (ie, introducing any back stories as necessary for each book). There's about a dozen now. Some take place in modern times and others tell Sylvia's family history. Sylvia is one of the main characters. She's elderly now (marrying age at start of WWII) and has moved back home to sell the family property. She hires Matt (through a landscaping company) and Sarah (his wife) to help prepare the property for sale. Sylvia is a master quilter and gives Sarah quilting lessons as part of her payment. The other main characters are a small group of quilters that Sarah and Sylvia meet in the first book.
thanks qbuquilts, I just could not remember the book titles and Elm Creek Quilters. I have almost all the books and met the author at Paducah one time. She lives in Wisconsin but lived in the area near Penn State when her husband went to school there. My husband was born and raised in that area so the books remind me of his roots. Even tho it was sad, I thought the story about the black woman and her baby was the most touching. I read them over and over.
I have never gone on a retreat for quilting, should think about it.

Carol J.
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