Old 08-21-2011, 04:51 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: in retirement
Posts: 1,513

At age 50, at first it was sad, but then my hubbie and I discovered what freedom was!

No carpooling, no laundry, no meals at crazy hours, no noise, and personal time one on one again, without interuptions!

There are some really great benefits to the kids leaving.

My daughter became my friend! Once she married, set up her own home and started a family, she actually asked for my advice! We are closer now then ever, talk daily, sometimes more than that.

She tells me, "I get it now Mom", meaning she understands what being a wife and parent are and she is very grateful for the type of parents we were. That's the best gift she could have given me.

The biggest perk is I get to watch my Grandson while my daughter teaches. The second time around is so wonderful. We are in anticipation of another grandchild to arrive in early spring.

Life is good for this emptynester!
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