Old 08-23-2011, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by ghostrider
Originally Posted by TexasGurl
Originally Posted by ghostrider
I cannot stand scrap quilts...any scrap pattern at all. "Random" just doesn't fit my style. I'd rather eat worms than make one. :oops: :lol:
GOOD THING all our quilting "ancestors" could "stand" to make all those random, awful, scrap quilts ... or quilting would have died out in the 1800's !!
We wouldn't be here today, enjoying quilting - of ANY sort !! :roll: :wink: :roll: :wink:
I daresay you are thinking only of patchwork and not quilting, for they were considered separate in the days of our ancestors. Quilted objects date back to between 6th and 9th century Asia, bed quilts showed up in Europe in the 12th century and quilting became very popular by the 16th century. None of it was patchwork, let alone scrappy.

Patchwork developed when the colonists were forced by poverty and the navigation Act of 1651 to mend their quilts year after year because they were forbidden to make any textiles of their own. Once fabric became more available to them a hundred years later, block patterns evolved.

So, even if patchwork had never come on the scene, quilting would still around today in many forms...probably even Bargello. :lol:
True, ghostrider ... I was thinking more of quilting and pieced quilts as we know them, made in the last 150-200 yrs or so ...
I guess we can all agree to disagree here and the old adage fits ... to each her own ... and, ... if it floats your boat, row it !! :)
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