Old 08-24-2011, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Jan in VA
On August 18th I posted the following: "There should be support groups for women who can't put their dishes in the dishwasher dirty." http://www.quiltingboard.com/t-146133-1.htm

Well, wouldn't you know it, I have had to either eat my words -- which I still fervently espouse -- or eat the DA (Damn Ants!) that are invading my house! It's been hot and often dry in my part of VA this year and the ant problem has been the worst ever.

They are covering the trash, even though I sprayed the can and am double bagging; they are crawling over the dishwasher because those dishes are not prewashed; climbing up the refrigerator licking up the drops of spilled Coke I didn't reach; even a few hiding out in my chair, for Pete's sake, going after the crumbs and me where I sit and eat cookies after dinner!!! :shock: What the hey is that?! :evil: Now every little tickle makes me jump looking for the crawlies!!!

So I've taken to rinsing the designs off the dishes before putting them immediately in the machine after eating, what a pain! :cry:
I cleaned the outside of the refrig on my knees....I NEVER get on my knees!! The getting up is NOT pretty. But I was darned if I was gonna clean the inside right now, too! Whoever sees it but me anyway, certainly not the DAs!
I've even taken to washing the garbage from all sweet, greasy, odorous residue before bagging it, can you imagine?! :shock:

I put out no less than 10 DA baits, they enjoyed themselves in there and keep on coming.
I sprayed around the baseboards and spent time gagging in the bathroom and breathing that stuff as the AC spread it through the house. That is SO gross!
I've spread bags of granules around the whole cottage outside, and had to wash my shoes when they were covered with them, thunk-athunka-athunk in the washer.

Chagrin! I thought I'd never see the day I'd be reduced to this level of compulsiveness.....and have to admit it here. :oops: And apologize to those poor, dear ladies who might have had the bad luck to have had a difference of opinion with my original post. :? :oops:

Maybe the amazing rain we got on Sunday, and the really weird, rare earthquake that came today, has driven these DAs back into their holes in the ground and they'll leave me the heck alone to be as lazy, glorious retired as I wish to be!!:roll:

Jan in VA
I'm in Miami, capitol of ants ants and more ants. Sprinkle corn meal out, they carry it back to the nest and die! they can't process it

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