Thread: sleep apnea
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Old 08-25-2011, 10:38 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 359

You are giving me ideas for my next retreat!!!
I appreciate this thread because some people might be embarrassed about having to wear a machine at night and this helps bring it to light that it's really not a big deal.

Originally Posted by LyndaK
Three women at quilt retreat, all sharing a room, all with CPAP machines.......First of all, the hilarity of finding electrical outlets for all of us....We were under beds, snaking cords everywhere......Then, the next morning, we three were in the hall, in our rigs, singing Skin-A-Ma-Rinky-Dink in our jammies, while twirling our hoses......cracked up the rest of the retreaters........and we found out that several more of the ladies had their machines with them.
I've been a "hose-head" <G> for 2 years now and don't regret a minute of it. My blood pressure dropped 15 points after I started on CPAP....I was headed for a stroke........
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