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Old 08-26-2011, 02:00 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Barnesville GA
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I loved my neighbors in GA of course I lived in a small town and you could actually talk to people.And the codes weren't stupid strict.
Here my brother has a neighbor that gets his jollies calling in code violations. It got so bad that my brother had to take him to court for harrassment.(he called in a vandelism charge on my brothers step- granddaughter because she wrote with chalk on her own driveway) They just changed the city codes here so that nothing can be in the front yard. And this guy called in 21 code violations on the street. There are not even that many houses ,maybe half that, on the street.
I am all for talking to the neighbors but in this day and age its hard . I have been here since November and haven't even seen most of the people that live on this street.

Good luck and I really hope they are not bees. I really hope everything works out for everyone.
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