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Old 08-30-2011, 05:20 AM
Patti Mahoney
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 349

Yep, made my very first apron in HomeEc. We had a very short, petite little foreign speaking lady, don't know the nationality, didn't care back then. Could have been Asian or from South America, I don't know. Back then, that's not something we cared about in those days. I not trying to be mean but when you're a kid, that's not something that concerns you, just like being a teenager and thinking you're indestructible...Anyhow, I don't remember this teachers name either but we had to make Macaroon cookies. That was fine, my Mom had 5 daughters and we all had to learn how to cook at a very young age so cooking and baking was not new to me. I actually liked making those Macaroons. Thennnnn, we had to eat them. I hurled and she never made me eat anything in that class again. LOL..We used to laugh at her all the!..teenagers! ! !......When she ask us to get out our cookie sheets, she pronounced it Cookie (Shits)...LOL...of course, being a bunch of silly girls, we giggled every time. Ahhh, the memories, it's amazing the things that pop back into your head at times, lolol....
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