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Old 09-01-2011, 07:19 AM
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Wonderful! The red diagonal through the centre is really striking. I recognised the fabric from the book too - I'm glad you're recommending it to ppl - it really IS straightforward if you go by the book, isn't it? And aren't cats great at 'helping' with the layout of OBW blocks? :lol:

Karen K - I was just thinking I'd go and look up your octo one to see the difference so thanks for posting it here. :-D I always loved your dragon one and you may remember that it inspired me to finally make an octo one myself but I'm still a hex girl - the octos are more swirly due to the two extra segments but I think the hexes blend better as they interlock - plus making and placing those setting squares for the octos drove me nuts! Each to their own, I guess. :D
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