Thread: gotten worse
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Old 06-21-2009, 11:29 AM
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Location: Pottstown Pa
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Here is as much an update as I can give...she is stable, and slowly improving...all her stats are right where they should be, swelling in her face is down, I would assume, but wont know till tomorow, that the swelling in her brain is down a bit...they have cut meds out , lowered her sedation, took her breathing tube out!!! she is mildly responsive, squeezed her hand, follows me with her eye..the good one, the other currently has damage from swelling...i got her to nod her head to a question ever so slightly, she can't really move her head or neck yet she does have a slight delay with reaction..but still that is excellent considering i was told she shouldnt have lived through this...this is a very major bleed, or stroke.....she still can't move her right side of her body much....she looks around and hears..but she isn't what you or I would call awake! she has atleast another month here in the pediatric intensive care unit...every little step towards recovery thrills me...I will have some more information tomorow after talking to nuro doctors...
she is 7 and was a perfect healthy child till this all was a very quick and sudden thing. she will come home again...but it will take months...a month or so here, then some time down in she can relearn to do things...we dont know how much damage there is yet, we don't know how much brain function, and we don't even know what caused it how or why...the only thing they have been able to be sure of is the chronic infection in her brain was there for a few months. The hard part right now is waiting, and not having any it is all waiting, and every day she makes a little more recovery which is well amazing! she is my personal super girl!!! Thank you for the prayers, I have a good feeling they are all helping...after all how else could she have even made it this far.....
Computer is outside of our room, I just dont get on it much,.....sorry I will try to update more tomorow once I know something new.
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