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Old 09-03-2011, 05:18 PM
jjgallamore's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Missouri
Posts: 34

I want to thank everyone who responded to my post last week concerning taking out tiny stitches created when my boxer dog stepped on my sewing machine pedal and tried to help me out. I ended up using a combination of the suture removal scissors, a small needle, and I bought a new tool (to me, at least) called the 3-in-1 tool. Most of the stitches were removed except for a few teeny ones that could hardly qualify as stitches (LOL). I then used a decorative stitch that looked like a wave instead of SID. Since the quilt was a musical theme I told my granddaughter the wave represented the vibrations of music. I finished the quilt last night at 10 p.m. and gave it to her this afternoon and she was thrilled with it. BTW that new tool is my favorite.
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