Old 09-09-2011, 07:13 AM
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Originally Posted by olebat
The discussion about making a name block and quilt begins on page 37/38 http://www.quiltingboard.com/t-142025-37.htm of the original thread. We should focus on what we want to do, and how we could best do it.
• Do we want to make our individual blocks and simply post a picture of it?
• Do we want to determine a standard size, make our blocks and send them to a collector who will then assemble them into a quilt(s)?
• If a quilt is made . . .
- who pays for the batting and backing?
- would someone volunteer to do the quilting?
- would someone like to donate the supplies?
- would we each send in, say, $5.00 with our block to cover the above expenses?
• If a quilt is made, what will become of it?
- could we, as individuals, pay to have it displayed at our local shows? (That would include shipping and handling, insurance and show fee)
- would we want to auction it and give the money to the QB?

I think we have the potential to make history, or at least a magazine article. Perhaps our quilts would end up in the museum in Paducah. Who knows at this point?

Feed some ideas related to the project as a whole. We can also bounce ideas pertaining to our individual blocks. I'm thinking big. I'd like to see the blocks made into a quilt.

Many states have had the counties or parishes provide a block representing that county/parish, the blocks were assembled into a quilt, and hang in prominent places around the states. We can do this!

If your screen name is nondescript, I think it would be fine to make your own little name crest to paint, print, embroider or applique onto your block. My opinion - what say ye others?
As they say...the devil is in the details!! Valid points all!
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