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Old 09-10-2011, 07:14 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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I think it is great that WalMart is bringing back layaway so many people can afford a nice Christmas. I wondered why they quit in the first place. I talked to my DH who used to work for them after he retired from his own business. He told me WalMart was having a hard time storing all of the layaway merchandise at all of their stores so they rented trailers for storage at quite a cost. They also had trouble with custumers who would use the service for a few weeks and then went back and wanted all of their money back. There were other issues as well and it was a hassle for the associates to deal with. I'm sure there were other reasons as well. My point is that we often don't look at things from the retailers point of view and how some customers poor behavior effects the service for everyone else. I am happy that it is back though. :)
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