Old 09-11-2011, 07:41 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: northern California
Posts: 1,098

Wow! So many suggestions! So many steps many of you do that I don't!!! It seems so easy to me the way I do it.

1a) If small, or look likely to run, I put them in a bin in the laundry (or kitchen) sink and soak in HOT water (I don't know at what temperature the quilt owner will use);

1b) If large I put it in my wonderful new machine on "handwash" using hot water (my old machine had a off/on cycle for delicates);

2) if one runs I use salt in cold water to stabilize it;

3) I put it in the dryer and set the control to just below the "normal" setting so it won't overdry;

4) When I take it from the dryer (right away when the dryer buzzes or my alarm goes off) I hang it over the top of my drying rack to finish drying or the back of the couch on an old blanket if it is really a large piece (because if you leave it in the dryer too long it isn't soft and is rudely wrinkled!); if it is several yards of fabric my husband always sweetly helps me so I can fold it before leaving it to dry more;

5) I DON'T worry about unraveling on the edges -- never had a problem with this and wonder if fabrics are made better than they used to be, or is it that I use 100% cottons only? I NEVER iron beyond smoothing with my hands, with the exception of the ocassional wrinkle (and I can't remember the last time that came up). I DON'T use starch because some fusibles say not to and I do some applique frequently (see my avatar).

6) If we are making the quilts for someone else we can't know how it will be washed and dryed so I try to cover all the basis. One daughter washed her kids quilts every two weeks in hottest water on regular cycle because of family allergies! After she brought one back to me after about 5 years (my first quilt ever) and asked me to mend it she washed them on "gentle" from then on, at my suggestion. LOL

But my time if valuable and I'm not going to do more than I feel I must!
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