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Old 09-12-2011, 11:02 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 50

You are a wonderful person for doing this! I had the opposite problem when I was in elementary school (1950's). I weighed only 32 pounds when I started first grade. The big (8th grade) boys used to pick me up and throw me from person to person as they laughed at how small I was. Occasionally they would drop me.

This only stopped when a neighbor of the school called the SPCA--Yes I mean SPCA! Because the school only said 'boys will be boys" and I should stay away from the big boys. Like I was really going up to them to ask for this abuse?!

She called the SPCA telling them it would have been a crime if they did this to a dog; why was it OK to do it to a child.

The SPCA went to the school and demanded the boys stop the bullying. The boys still laughed at me, but they did stop the physical abuse.

I know this little girl will be thrilled (as was I) that someone cared about her!

P.S. The fabrics with the different thicknesses are wonderful. Go with your gut!
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