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Old 09-17-2011, 07:19 AM
mavisreyn's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Victoria, BC Canada
Posts: 15

Originally Posted by homecaregiver
Is this quilt along mystery quilt still somewhere on the board where I can find the link?
Deborah Cohen had it published in an Australian Patchwork and Quilting Applique special magazine (even though there's no applique).

I found it on the following blog:

You'll have to watch for the errors. She made mistakes but posted corrections. I found most of them (placement errors) but not until the top was put together and you stand back and watch for the chain to brain. Let someone else look at it before you quilt it; otherwise you might be surprised!

It's really an easy pattern as it's just squares! It just needs concentration because you see so many blinkin' squares that it's easy not to spot a break in the chain.

and just for clarity, this is not in the other celtic pattern book. This is Deborah Cohen's original pattern and has only been published in the Australian magazine and the blog.

Mavis in Victoria, BC
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