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Old 09-25-2011, 07:52 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: New Milford, CT
Posts: 501

Originally Posted by arimuse
oh my gosh froggy, this was the biggest lift of my evening! I just finished cleaning after my cat teased and teased to come in and ran into the living rm to throw up on the rug!
reading thru all the replies set me to laughing out loud, carping is a block, and carp fishing - lol!

The reason I am addicted (yes, I will admit it ADDICTED to this site) is: I truely believe in the people who post here always post from the heart. I don't do anything else on the computer remotely like this. I belong to a varity of groups, and this is the only one I go to now.

I don't think people carp as much as they need to vent so they don't explode, are in a corner and need advice, care, concern, are feeling down due to illnesses - their own or others, feel afraid they are alone, feel too inadequit to do anything- let alone start quilting on their own.

It might seem some of the same issues come up, quilting or otherwise, but there are so many of us, and so many areas to post, and so many new people coming on, and, lets face it - so many of us in the same boat it might sound on the surface like carping - but, froggy dive deeper! We are not a shallow group! We need each other and are here for each other - sometimes we may sound sharp, but words can be read in many tones, I dont think any of us carp to all that much (not even you carping we carp too much - lol! oh, that just cracks me up - someone posted you're complaining about complaining)

You are all on the otherside of a glass wall, away from me, and there are times when I wish so hard you were all living next door and could all come for coffee or tea and cookies and help me on a quilt, or just to talk! I love the way this group works and wouldnt want it changed for anything.sharet
I do not belong to any other board and this is my first stop in the morning-coffee and 'conversations' with my 'friends'-I learn alot-you all inspire me-thank for being there for me

And I agree with the above-she just said it better than I could
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