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Old 09-25-2011, 04:47 PM
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Location: Cheshire, Massachusetts
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Originally Posted by FroggyinTexas
We are living in a frustrating time. Jobs are scarce, money is scarce, we are all getting older even if we are only three months old now, most of us have an ache or a pain in the morning and maybe still at night. Some of us have children or grandchildren who are in the thick of one of the two wars we are engaged in. Lots of people are nearly overwhelmed. They need to be lifted up, not shoved down.

I would like, at least once, to log into this board, and find someone singing someone's praises--the employee at JoAnn's who helped you find just the right shade of blue, the clerk at WalMart who told you when the next shipment of cantalopes would be in, the owner of the LQS who spent time coordinating your fabrics for a baby quilt.

Instead, there seems to be this constant need to complain about husband, boyfriend, mother, daughter, the clerk at JoAnn's or WalMart or at the LQS and there seems also to be a constant need to be right/correct about every definition of every quilting term no matter whether there is a widely accepted defintion.

Could we all just get over it and try to be happier about having the means and the opportunity to be creative? froggyintexas
I just posted this reply yesterday to a complaint:

Last week while fondling fabric, organizing my stash, and ironing some batik fat quarters I'd bought from JoAnn's, I thought I'd measure them just for curiosity's sake. Out of 16 FQ, all were at least 18-1/2 or greater by 23, and this was AFTER washing and drying them in the dryer. And, none of them were misshapen. Maybe I just have good luck there, but if I had a problem I wouldn't hesitate to take them back the next time I went and show them the problem. My JoAnn's employees try to keep their customers satisfied.

Sometimes you have to look for the sunshine.
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