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Old 09-26-2011, 09:00 AM
Mirima's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 8

After reading this, You certainly have the right to be annoyed! I just had a new classmate on campus balk at my quoted price for a quilt.

She told me " They only go for $55 at Wal-Mart!" Yeah so I was upset and annoyed. My first thought was to tell her where i thought she could stick that Wal-mart quilt... but told her instead...You get what you pay for.

People who have never seen the prices or the effort that goes into making a quilt are clueless. I find the best thing to to is to briefly explain that you are not being unfair and then go through the estimates of each type of price for a quilt (i.e. fabric per yard, batting, thread!, and all that). Some just don't know prices. They only see a quilt.
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