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Old 09-27-2011, 06:59 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Dillsburg, PA
Posts: 314

I have yet another story. I love gardening so I applied at a local greenhouse/garden center/Country store for a seasonal the job. I worked with a lady I will call Pat in the houseplants and herbs area. Sometimes we worked together and then other times it was just one of us. One of the perks of the job besides a discount was...if there were plants that started to look sick you would pull them and put them in a separate area to see if you could nurse them back to health to sell. If they didn't perk up then you were supposed to ask one of the owners/managers to look at them and they would decided if it stayed or you could take it home.

One day one of the owners came to me and asked me why there were so many plants on the floor under the tables. I told her that Pat had put them there to take home...WRONG answer. This was the point in time that I found out the manager had to OK taking the plants. Pat was walking out the door with all of these...some were very expensive...plants. Her little game was...she would see something she wanted and then avoid watering it. Of course it would look bad and she would pull it and then let it suffer long enough that she would then take it home and nurse it back to health. Her little game got her let go. This place had cameras all over the place and the person who answered the phones had all of the screens in her little office so the whole store was monitored all of the time. One day I was talking to her and she said she was watching a particular screen because the "customers" were acting strange...and then we both watched them put stuff into a large tote bag that the woman was carrying. She alerted the manager who then followed them to the cashier to see if they removed the items to pay for them. I had to get back to work but they were caught trying to steal stuff from the gift shop/country store. There were huge signs all over the inside of the store...and outside on the porch area where they had stuff displayed...telling people hidden video cameras were being used...and yet people still thought they could get away with it.
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