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Old 09-28-2011, 04:48 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Germany
Posts: 33

Oh my gosh, thank you all for such nice words!
I think I'm a type which can't say O.K., I learned it, now I have to master it. I'm doing one thing and if I decide that it looks fine I start something completely different. It's a torture to me to make few identically looking items (sometimes I have to, as gifts, but then I try to convince myself that it's worth doing :P ).

Some time ago I started an art quilt for next year's quilt show in Germany (if they will decide to take me), but I reached the point where I should thread sketch it... and I'm a little bit concerned how it will work out (I'm afraid of wrinkling of the fabric while doing it).
I already started reading about art quilts here on QB, but I didn't red all yet. Then probably I will have questions ;)
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