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Old 09-28-2011, 07:02 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: New Milford, CT
Posts: 501

Originally Posted by Crabby Patty
I guess I looked at the first picture differently than everyone else. At first I saw what looked like a laughing hyena just the way the dots are. Look down under the chin of the pig at the 1st (i think) black dot that has a orange dog directly across from it, they look like eyes. In between the eyes it looks like a nose with a mouth just under it. Then went to 2nd poto and saw a pig, so went back up to 1st and finally seen pig.LOL I'm old so guess my eyes are playing tricks on me. It is going to be darling. Keep it up. BTW it would help my poor old eyes with a curly tail.HeHeHE
after I read this i went back and looked at the pigs. I saw pigs until this and then I couldn't get the dog out of my head. LOL
Curly tails is all they need. Very cute
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