Old 09-30-2011, 04:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Buckeye Rose
Originally Posted by ptquilts
I have braces too that I wear at night. They help.But carpal tunnel is not a lack of blood flow, it is a compression of the nerves going through the carpal tunnel, a structure in your wrist. (BTW, even "pins and needles" is not a lack of blood flow, it is also a nerve problem.)

too many years of quilting, knitting, crocheting, and mine was made worse by sleeping with my hands in weird positions.

Exactly! I have had carpal tunnel problems in both wrists....it got so bad that at times I had problems holding a fork to eat with! And the pain....omg...unbearable. I opted to get them surgically fixed and have had no issues since. It was by far the best choice for me. The surgery is very simple with an incision about an inch long in the base of the palm, 5 stitches. I had a half cast (cast on the palm side of the hand) so I couldn't bend my wrist for a week with lifting restrictions for 6 weeks. The relief from pain was immediate. I would do it again in a flash!
Ditto! Just DO NOT have surgery on both at the same time! I had the second one done after the cast was off the first. My DIL was sorry when she opted to have both done at once. She couldn't do anything for herself for weeks, not even in the bathroom! LOL But do have the surgery if it is really bad. I developed tendonitis in the right hand as well, as other muscles were compensating for the weakness. So I had to have the surgery for that at the same time. Another inch long incision along the base of my thumb. But as said above, the relief was immediate. Also, faithfully follow through with everything they tell you to do afterward with PT and massage or your hands will stiffen up. Good luck!
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