Old 09-30-2011, 08:37 AM
guntherquilter's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 71

I work for a neurosurgeon. Carpal tunnel syndrome is when the nerve gets pinched at your wrist area. An EMG should be done for definite diagnosis. However, a compete exam should be done to rule out any possibility of any problem that may be coming from the ulnar nerve at your elbow or from the nerves in your neck. We have seen patients that have problems in all 3 areas! You don't want to have the carpal tunnel surgery without the positive EMG (nerve conduction study done by a neurologist). The EMG will also define if there are problems at the ulnar nerve or cervical nerves. I have seen patients who present with carpal tunnel syndrome when in fact they have a ruptured disk in their neck. The EMG clarified this. A MRI of the neck then gave additional positive proof. Carpal tunnel surgery can be done as an outpatient procedure. The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes. If you can get relief with conservative measures--with the braces and anti-inflammatories, by all means choose that first before surgery. Surgery is not always the answer and does not always "cure" the problem! I have seen the surgery work wonders for patients. The key here is the correct diagnosis. Good luck to you!
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