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Old 10-09-2011, 08:13 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by babyfireo4
Hmm.. this is a tough one. Mistakes and all I am happy with my choices. I do not regret thinking I was ready for motherhood at 18 instead of finishing college first because that miracle is 6 and the best part of my life. I do not regret getting married at 19 to my high school sweetheart that I had been dating for 5 years at the time. I do not regret having the best parents, that adopted me at 5 weeks old, that a girl could wish for. I like being raised as an only child.
I regret being molested at 13 by an uncle and instead of simply stopping it and pretending it didn't happen I had his ass put in JAIL. I regret not being born to my mom.I regret having to deal with knowing who birthed me and the fact that they kept my older brother and younger sister. I regret not being able to fully understand why I was not good enough and they were even though I wouldn't dare voice it to them. I regret not being closer to my "sister and brother" even though they have each other. I regret not knowing my neices and nephew and them not knowing their cousin. But even if I could change what I have done, the things I regret are not things of my doing. I can only continue forward knowing that I will never do to another what has been done to me. I love my son and will be responsible enough to care for any children I have and not give them away because I don't feel like being mommy to more than one child. I will not make my child question his self- worth because I don't want to admit fault in my own actions.
Sorry, I guess the question got to me a bit :/ I think maybe it's time for bed before I write you all a book! Apologies for the rant.
Love your answer. Best wishes always and big hug too!
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