Thread: I love my DH
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Old 10-11-2011, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by jillybean302
Have you used the Qbot in the past? I have bought a used one, and am in the process of trying to learn how to use it.

So glad you are safe!!
I am looking forward to using my Qbot I have wanted one for ages don't have a clue how to use it yet but practice will I hope make perfect.
thank you to all for you encouraging thoughts over the last 10 months. I have just finished putting the leaders on my grace long bed and the machine is all set up I just have to get an extention cord long enough to use it. my electician took one look at all the wires and rolled them all up atached a power board to the machine so now I will only have 1 power cord to drag on the floor
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