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Old 10-12-2011, 05:28 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Originally Posted by mjsylvstr
is my pages a more "easy to find" method of finding things than in bookmarks?

I have been using the bookmarks but from what some are saying, the "my pages" would make it a lot more simpler to find what I might be looking for.

For my part, I would say a hardy "YES" that is correct. As mentioned, you can build files to put different things in. So, you can have just photos that you want to save in one file (that's what I tend to call them), tutorials in another separate file, etc. That way if you are looking for a tutorial you know you saved, you don't have to go through all the bookmarks you have looking for it. Just go to My Pages, find the file you made for tutorials, then you only have to look through them to find the one you want. Oh and you can label each of the items in the file with a title of some sort so you will know what you saved ... such as in a tutorial file, you might put in a label of "Paperpiecing a Star" followed by the link. That way you don't have to click on every link in that file to find that particular link that you are looking to read. Make sense? I know this all sounds a bit complicated but seriously, I am not computer literate at all (can't even post photos!!!) and I was able to figure this all out by going through the process. It certainly would be easier if someone was sitting next to you to help navigate but you CAN do this by yourself with some trial and error .... and time. Good luck.
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