Old 10-13-2011, 07:33 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Folsom, CA
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I like your formula for weight - so I am 5'9" tall and am 65, therefore I will shoot for 165. This will be a long journey but all of you are so motivating, I know I can do it. Happy with weight loss so far and with everyones support this journey will be a pleasant one.

Originally Posted by irishrose
Lynne, I keep coming back to my son's passion for Josh. Much more than ten years ago - the Civil War. A sad time when Americans fought Americans - and for what? Cheaper cotton? And so many in the Southern states aren't over the loss yet.

Jeanne, 120 is a wonderful number unless you are four feet tall. Embrace it, continue the exercise to become the best 120 you can be, but leave the 103 to the teenagers. How tall are you?

The formula that has worked me for years was 100 pounds for everyone, then 5 pounds for every inch over 5 feet. So 5'8" allowed me 140 pounds and there's no way I weighed anywhere near that except in the last stages of pregnancy - and the first one I didn't hit that. Now before most of you say that's an unreachable goal, add 5 pounds for every decade after 25. I have lived 4 decades past 25 (+), so I get another 20+ pounds. At 5'5 1/2" now, I can weigh 127 1/2, plus my age related 20 for a total of 147 1/2 pound. That would be a reasonable goal except I am small boned, so 138 to 140 is better. Will I get there? Maybe? Will I get to and hold 145? Yes!! Sure hope I don't lose any more in height.

My weight is holding, but higher than it was before I was sick. Grrr. How many days to the end of the month? I wrote 2 1/2 pounds for this month's projected loss. Time to get serious. Back to myfitnesspal.

I started squaring the embroidered blocks for the bazaar quilt last night and I don't have 12. Another Grrr. It may end up a square instead of a rectangle.

Have a healthy clean eating day everyone. Love hearing of your losses. Even if a loss isn't currently happening, we are becoming aware of what's going in our bodies and that's to the good. Taboo Tuesday? - I am still on last week - controlling snacks as this week doesn't apply to me.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.
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