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Old 10-14-2011, 02:05 AM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Luck, Wisconsin
Posts: 25

Originally Posted by hmay60
He came home last night as I was cutting up some of his old jeans. He said, are you sure those aren't any good. Well he is the one who quit wearing them. I said yes, they have holes in them. He says you can make quilts, but you can't patch holes. I explained that I quilt for fun, it is my hobby. It doesn't mean I want to spend my time patching holes. Now, I have patched some in the past, and it's not always easy to patch knee holes and pocket holes, and now we can afford to buy him new jeans, when he needs them. He also told me once, that one of the guys he worked with, wanted to know if I would patch some of his jeans, umm no. I work everyday and just don't want to patch clothes. I will sew up some things for the grandkids though, they are special. So anyone else not like to patch clothes.
I once refused to patch the elbow in one of my husbands shirts. It was a favorite of his and ready for the rag bag. He actually took the shirt to work and as two of the gals in his office if they could do it!!! I was horrified, couldn't hold my head up at the office gatherings. Fortunately Susan outsmarted him, said something to the effect that the material type couldn't be machine sewn and she didn't have the skills to do it by hand. Duh, he fell for it. Susan and I laugh about it to this day.

In the meantime, I keep buying big pieces of fabric to cut into little pieces so I can sew them back together, and sometimes cut them up into little pieces again. He just wanders around the house in a total daze!!!!! He just doesn't GET IT.
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